Fact Sheets
Economics & Soil Health
It is hard to put a universal dollar value on Soil Health. However, Towards a Business Case for Soil Health Report , estimated that Ontario farm net returns would increase by approximately $14.6 million dollars per year if an additional 10% of the agricultural land in Ontario were to be managed to support soil health.
The factsheets below highlight some of the report findings alongside farmer experience. Our video series features Ontario farmers talking about how soil health is good for their farm business.
Rotational Grazing Systems
The following fact sheet summarizes the key findings on the economics of rotational grazing.
How to Put a Value on Cover Cropping
The following fact sheet summarizes the key findings on the economics of growing cover crops.
Using Manure in Cropping Systems
The following fact sheet summarizes the key findings on the economics of adding manure to a cropping system.
Adding Wheat to a Corn-Soybean Rotation
The following fact sheet summarizes the key findings on the economics of implementing wheat in a corn-soybean rotation.
Reducing Tillage in Cropping Systems
The following fact sheet summarizes the key findings on the economics of reducing tillage.
Nitrogen Management for Maximum Benefits
The following fact sheet summarizes the key findings on the economics of nitrogen management
Cover Crop Recipes
These publications are intended to provide a starting point for farmers who are new to growing cover crops. With experience, farmers may fine-tune the use of cover crops for their systems.
Post Corn Silage, Going to Soybean: Introduce a Fall Rye Cover Crop
The following recipe provides an introductory approach to integrating a cover crop after corn silage harvest and before planting soybean as the next crop.
Wheat Going to Corn: Underseed Red Clover
The following recipe provides an introductory approach to underseeding a red clover cover crop into winter wheat prior to corn.
After Wheat, Going to Corn or Soybean: Use an Oat-Radish Mix
This recipe provides an introductory approach to integrating a cover crop mix of oats and radish after wheat harvest going to corn or soybean the next year.
Crop Rotation Counts
These factsheets help to showcase four key finding from the 65 years of crop rotation research at the Elora Research Station and Ridgetown Campus. They show how crop rotation affects crop yield, crop resilience during dry years, nitrogen use efficiency and soil health. They were created by Soils At Guelph and Ontario Agrifood Innovation Alliance. Additional resources about the long term trials can be found here.
Higher Yield
Improve yield of corn and soybean by adding a small grain cereal (e.g., winter wheat) or a forage crop to your farm’s corn-soybean rotation.
More resilent during drought years
Prepare for drought years by adding a small grain cereal, such as winter wheat, to your farm’s corn-soybean rotation.
Improves soil nitrogen use efficiency
Reduce your dependence on nitrogen fertilizer for corn by adding a small grain cereal (e.g., winter wheat) to your farm’s corn-soybean rotation and underseed it to red clover.