Using the long-term rotation experiment near Elora, ON (established 1980) to study the impacts of tillage and diversity of crop rotations on a number of agri-environmental factors.
Project Description:
Corn and soybean yields and returns are greater in rotations with wheat
Crop rotations differ in soil carbon stabilization efficiency, but the response to quality of structural plant inputs is ambiguous
This study set out to evaluate crop rotation diversity, perenniality, carbon inputs, and carbon input quality as predictors of soil
Diversify crop rotations to improve yield and soil health
The corn-soybean rotation is the dominant cropping system on farmland throughout central Canada and the midwestern United States. However, long-term
Crop rotation diversity improves yield resilience
The warming of the earth’s climate and an increasing global population is presenting enormous challenges for the agricultural industry to
Crop Rotation Counts
Crop Rotation Counts: Key Findings from Long-Term Rotation Plot Research Key findings GrainTALK 2 Videos GrainTALK: Rotation Impacts on Soil
This project was conducted at Ontario Crops Research Center – Elora
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