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Quantifying C stocks in high-yield, short-rotation woody crop production systems for forest and bioenergy values and CO2 emission reduction
- Tags: bioenergy crops, carbon, carbon sequestration, CO2
This study measured above- and below-ground carbon stocks for an 8-year-old short-rotation woody cropping system compared to an adjacent corn-soybeans-wheat cropping system. Over the 8 years, there was an annual increase of 1.16 t C per hectare in woody cropping system, compared to an annual loss of 0.70 t C per hectare in the cash cropping system. Concentrated short-rotation woody cropping systems have the potential to sequester significant amounts of atmospheric CO2 in their biomass and in soils and so mitigate climate change.
Biomass Crops And Soil Carbon Storage
Monitoring soil and water quality after land-use change to biomass crops.
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