We’ve been in the news recently! Read up on some some conversations we’ve been having with folks in Ontario about soil health.

Weathering the storms: Ontario’s growing season volatility

By Kate Ayers
Better Farming, December 29, pg 12

To prepare for increasing volatility, we need healthy soil as a buffer and resource bank. It is our first form of crop insurance against volatility.

Re-setting the mind-set on cover crops

Research is shining new light on when — and why — to make cover crops part of your routine field management.
By Ralph Pierce

…there is no single primary reason that a farmer cites for growing cover crops…it’s usually a multi-pronged approach

The next frontier

By Owen Robers
Ontario Grain Farmer Magazine

Three-hundred bushel per acre corn isn’t going to come from a jug or a bag…These kinds of yields will require years of investing in soil…

Real work on soil health needs to be done

Fine speeches about our soil make us all feel good, but there’s an increasing urgency for wider adoption.
By Ralph Pierce

Primarily, the connection that we want to be making is one where researchers and farmers and consumers…can make a collective effort towards improving soil health in Ontario.

Soil health gets bigger focus at COFS

Researchers and new technology demos are being featured at the show

Soil health project rises from the ground up

Between The Rows, Glacier FarmMedia Podcast
September 12 2019

New initiative launched to improve soil health education

Soils at Guelph aims to bridge the gap between agriculture and the general public
By Jennifer Betzner


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