Tag: tillage
Originally posted in Farmtario: https://farmtario.com/crops/finding-the-right-fungus/?module=carousel Do you have fungus? Your fields certainly do, though the varieties vary based on several factors. While tillage levels,
First published in Farmtario: https://farmtario.com/crops/lasting-impact-technology-helps-living-soils-knowledge/ This article is the final instalment of a three-part series highlighting lessons learned from two long-term crop rotation experiments
Soil compaction and surface crusting degrade soil structure, reducing aeration and root penetration, and ultimately impacting crop performance. With the trend towards larger farms,
Using the long-term rotation experiment near Elora, ON (established 1980) to study the impacts of tillage and diversity of crop rotations on a number
Not all soil organic matter is the same, and soil management practices may impact types of organic matter differently. This research looks to explore