
They say a picture is worth a thousand words…well then a video can also be a good way to learn about SOILs research.  Here we have some videos produced by Soils At Guelph, as well as those produced by the University of Guelph and broader media-community featuring SOILs researchers.

Business Case for Soil Health

Short and to the point, these 5 videos feature Ontario Farmers who’ve been able to see how their investments in Soil Health make good business sense.  For more ways farmers make soil health work, check out our Soil Health and Economics Factsheets.

Cooking With Covers Series 

This is a three part video series produced by Soils At Guelph is meant for growers who might be thinking about using cover crops in their farming system.  It follows the advice: keep it simple, make it pay, and don’t go it alone.

Soil Health Research Series 

These 4 videos below feature some of the state-of-the-art SOILs research happening at the University of Guelph. 

  • Learning From Soil with Lysimeters Featuring water and nutrient balance research which helps us to understand greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural systems.
  • Sustaining the Living Soils – Featuring soil microbiology research so we can better understand soil “ecosystem services” in different agricultural production systems.
  • Digital Soil Mapping – Featuring digital soil mapping research and development, comparing soil maps vs. digital soil mapping, for spatial farm management systems.
  • Capturing Carbon in the Soil  – Featuring carbon sequestration research in agriculture, and on-farm beneficial management practices (BMPs) of reducing tillage and general soil disturbances, integrating livestock into cropping systems, and enhancing diversity at every aspect of the farm system.

Even MORE Videos featuring SOILs researchers and initiatives

Videos featuring UofG faculty 

These videos were produced by the ag-media community and feature SOILs researchers.